Three Ways to Spend a Girly Weekend That Don’t Cost the Earth

Friday Night Self Care – Laptop shut for the weekend. Hair freshly washed. An iced elderflower fizz. Your favourite takeaway or home cooked dish. Clean pyjamas and bedding on. Youtube vlog catch ups. Literal heaven.

Woodland Foraging – Costs nothing, and is so so fun and relaxing. My mum and I went last year foraging for wild garlic, and whilst we don’t forage them, we always go toadstool hunting in the autumn. It’s one of my favourite things to do, and I made so many lovely wild garlic recipes last year. This year I’m thinking of making some home made elderflower cordial, and also foraging some violas to make home made violet creams.

Shopping and Sushi – In lockdown, I so badly wanted to have a girly day out shopping, and going for sushi. So I re created it at home. I ordered a sushi platter, though you could quite easily just get supermarket own – even Aldi offer it now – or, why not have a go at making your own, to further add to the experience. I poured myself a glass of prosseco, and I online window shopped – and you know what, in that moment it was absolute perfection. Anyway, who even likes crows these days…