I would say that this year has been a bit of a funny year in the garden, but… given that it’s only my second summer of actually being “into” gardening, I’m probably not qualified to comment. However, strangely, I’ve found that this year, everything that thrived last year has done absolutely rubbish… whilst everything that didn’t do so well last year, seems to have really thrived this summer.
For example, my strawberries… an absolutely pap year for my strawberry harvest in 2021, come 2022, they seem to be never ending! Then let’s take the potatoes, last year I barely planted any – it was my first time and I wasn’t sure if they’d even grow, and in retrospect the pots were too small, yet I somehow ended up with the most amazing crop ever. This year, I dedicated a whole bed, and probably planted near on six times the amount – and whilst I still got a good crop, it wasn’t anything like the amount I was expecting, and if I’m honest, probably took up a lot of space that could have been used for something else – back to the pots next year, I think!
Anyway – July is always when the garden is at its best, regardless – so I thought I’d pop a few photos on of it in full bloom. I always like to compare the pictures too from the same time last year, so hopefully (hello 2023 Stephanie!) I can do the same next year too.