So deceptively glamorous blog post title aside… in January, I broke my foot! Not the best, I’ll be honest. I didn’t blog, at all, in fact, I didn’t really do… anything. Instead I thought I’d take the opportunity to have some real downtime (well, took the opportunity / didn’t really have much choice as I couldn’t walk) and recharge my batteries. I’m not sure how I have a full photo diary blog post from not really doing anything, but I do. Oh and I also spent a LOT of time playing Animal Crossing – total escapism, it should be prescribed as therapy! I built a whole island in all my spare time, including four hours A&E waiting room hard island design graft! I know lots of people share my love for this game (how relaxing?!) so if anyone is interested, I left some pictures at the bottom of the post to show the little island I created in my month long little escape from the world. I know it’s slightly different to my usual blog offerings, but I also know how much of a lovely escape it is for some people too, so I hope you enjoy.