I love the Easter bank holiday weekend, four back to back guilt free days off work, that usually result in some pretty nice weather at the same time. This one felt that extra bit special too, as last year we had just entered into our first ever lockdown, and everything was so, so scary and unknown; and yes, we are still in a lockdown at the moment, but people can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel now, and we know and understand a lot more than we did last year. Anyway, enough of that – because of the write off last year, I really wanted to make this one as enjoyable as possible.
On Friday, we spent the entire day with family; and had lots of lovely party food, chocolate and fun. Then it was home for a food coma and a lovely long sleep. On Saturday I decided to try out a recipe from the One Pot, Pan, Planet cookbook. It was absolutely gorgeous, and so easy to make. I saw the book recommended on Brittany Bathgate’s YouTube channel, and I must say, I’m a bit obsessed with it at the moment.
Speaking of food, I enjoyed the most gorgeous little afternoon tea box from a company called Bowa Kitchen. They’re a lovely, small company that provide the prettiest afternoon tea and treat boxes; and I’d highly recommend checking them out if you’re local.
I also indulged in a little bit of virtual shopping this weekend too. I’m lucky enough to have a beautiful interiors shop that’s pretty much around the corner from us, and they offer a click and collect service at the moment. I picked up two stunning vases, and a handful of stems to add to my collection of flowers that I’ve purchased from numerous places, and fill out the larger of the two vases.
In the afternoon I went to my favourite woodland for an adventure walk with my Mum, Sister and Nephew; where we spent a lovely few hours in the sun, building bridges to cross the “river”.
Sunday was of course full of chocolate! I treat myself to the new Smeg hot chocolate machine, so I obviously had to road test that numerous times… I much prefer it to the Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser – which is great – but I find this gives a smoother, and frothier finish; and is way easier to clean too!
It was pretty nice weather on Sunday too, so I spent the rest of the day in the garden potting up some new plants, and just generally enjoying the bits I’ve already created. I’m obsessed with planting stuff in the garden at the moment, I find it so calming and enjoyable.
Then obviously the weekend had to be rounded off with a huge, huge roast dinner! Heaven.