1. The new season beginnings. I always take Spring as an opportunity to re-haul my wardrobe and cosmetics bag. New clothes, perfume and jewellery are always on the agenda. Think lighter scents, and brighter, floatier materials.
2. Daffodils! Daffodils are all over the place right now, and that little pop of colour is such a welcome sight after all the grey skies and snow we’ve been having. Plus, when else can you get an entire bunch of flowers for £1?!
3. Pastel colours. I’m loving for ice cream and blush pink shades right now.
4. Spring cleaning. Last weekend I spent all evening on Pinterest getting some seasonal home inspiration. I then had a huggeeee spring clean with all the windows wide open. I got everything all sparkly and put some pretty new blooms and scented candles in.
5. The smell of freshly cut grass. No explanation needed here.
6. Pegging out your washing, or even just the sight of other people doing it. This may seem a slightly sad choice (how old am I again?!) but seeing this really means that Spring is here to me, and everything is about to get a whole lot brighter!
7. That unspoken excitement that beer gardens and BBQ’s are literally just around the corner.
8. Lavender, Bluebells and Peonies – Again with the florals, but it’s Peony season and there’s just no denying how pretty they are. The smell of lavender is also one that gets me super excited for the season. Oh and bluebells, they always bring back the nostalgic reminiscence about bluebell picking in the woods.
9. Lighter mornings and lighter evenings. They just put everyone in a much better mood, and make waking up just that bit easier.
10. Fresh. Blue. Skies. No more grim and grey mornings. Everything looks prettier, but the air always feels fresher too. It’s also lovely to see the reappearance of nature too… I’ll even take the dandelions! But hearing birds chirping, and seeing bumble bees and butterflies dancing about always puts a little smile on my face.