Tarot, Astrology and Crystals…

Even as a child, I adored anything to do with astrology and tarot, and my two tiny Tarot Kit and Palm Reading books (which I still have) were two of my most prized possessions; I was forever pouring over them, devouring the beautiful illustrations and meanings behind them. As I got older, that interest kind of faded out… I suppose partly because it wasn’t really the cool “in” thing to be into, and partly because I was busy growing up and discovering the world around me. Somewhere along the way, I lost my two beloved mini books, and they weren’t really given a second thought. That was until a couple of years ago, when I stumbled upon them again in a bookshop, and so many nostalgic memories came flooding back – I obviously bought them, and now I’d say they are amongst some of my (would save in a fire) favourite, most special items I own.

They really reignited my love for the subject, and nowadays I couldn’t care less what’s the “in thing” or what’s cool, and instead I find it extremely exciting to share the joy of something I love. I think most girls have at one point made a habit of checking their horoscope in their favourite weekly magazine etc, but astrology is something I really believe in (okay, perhaps not the ones in the gossip magazines), and I enjoy reading up on it; my own personal star sign is something I feel I have a strong connection to too, and really believe it summarises me pretty impressively.

Tarot, I don’t take too seriously, and I’m most certainly not a pro; but I do enjoy learning about it, respecting it and I enjoy giving fun and informal readings to my friends and family sometimes. Another extremely special personal possession is my Starchild Tarot deck. As soon as I saw it, I felt like it was just very much me – and it would make a very, very welcome addition to my collection; I suppose I felt drawn to it in a way. It was super hard to track down, as these are occasionally restocked but seem to sell out extremely fast – although that just made it all the more special. Again, this pack is a real keepsake for me and something I look after very well; I’d be devastated if anything ever happened to it. If you do like the Starchild tarot deck, but perhaps don’t want to spend that much money on your own set, the Work Your Light Oracle Cards by Rebecca Campbell (I’ll list all purchases below) are a lovely alternative, and are illustrated by the same lady that designed the Starchild set.

 Illustration by Kate Spade

Crystals are another interest to me, and I keep my collection in this little dish on my bedside table. Crystals are fantastic for rebalancing and aligning your energy; the concept being that all crystals are naturally formed via energy, just like our own bodies. Natural crystals each contain different energies, depending on the type; and are therefore perfect for rebalancing and re energising any energy our own bodies may be lacking in. Some of my favourites from my own collection are; Amethyst – used for focus, powerful healing properties, calming the mind and offering protection; Rose Quartz – this represents love, and is used for encouraging unconditional love, aiding friendship and also supporting with self love; Black Tourmaline – for warding off negative energies; and Clear Quartz – a powerful stone for manifestation and healing. I also keep a handful of small Herkimer diamonds in the dish to help amplify all the other energies. If you are looking to purchase some of your own crystals, I would advise to only shop from a reputable source where you can be sure the crystals are natural, and of a high grade – again, I’ll list some recommended places below.

Instagram @moonchildtarot


My Favourite Books

The Book of Tarot

The Signs

The Little Book of Astrology

My Favourite Online Sources of Inspiration







My Favourite Tarot Decks

The Starchild Tarot

The Moonchild Tarot

Work Your Light Oracle Cards

Moon Flower Art Deck

Recommended Crystal Stockists 

She’s Lost Control

The Crystal Buddha

The Starchild Tarot
The Starchild Tarot

Are Tarot, Astrology or Crystals something you are into? I hope you enjoyed this post, it’s something a little different for my blog, but I’m finding that sharing my favourite, personal interests and items on here are slowly becoming some of my post enjoyable posts to write. I hope you enjoyed reading, as much as I did putting this one together…