Flowers, Fairy Gardens, and Woodland Adventures

IMG_8499I know it’s been a little while! Truth be told, I’ve found it quite hard over the past couple of months to find the motivation to actually come on here and write… I think we have all just had so much on our minds with this crazy situation everyone has been thrown into. It’s been the same with my exams, I have one final exam to get through, until my qualification is finally complete… and have I been able to do a single ounce of revision? Nope!


But, what has happened, is I’ve been forced to slow right down. Something I found it extremely difficult to adapt to at first, in all honesty. I’m the type of person that normally has 100 things constantly on the go, and that’s how I liked it. But having no choice but to slow down, well actually, it’s not been all bad… it’s allowed us to reconnect with family and friends, properly, we obviously connected with them anyway – but we now have so much more time to speak and laugh with them. We’ve also recently been able to enjoy some amazing woodland adventure walks with my nephew again – something that’s been a real highlight.


These walks have also inspired me to add lots more magic and colour to my own garden, and so I spent a good few weekends planting lots of gorgeous flowers (something that has brought me so much joy recently, and kept me feeling sane!) and adding secret fairy doors here and there… I’ve started growing my own flower wall, and I even had a go at making my own little fairy gardens, what do you think?!


I’ve also been cooking lots of tasty food to enjoy in the garden… pancakes seem to have featured heavily! We’ve also been lucky enough to indulge in some really gorgeous treats that we’ve been gifted by our loved ones, including a charcuterie style dinner, and a cookie / brownie treat box. We are really looking forward to being able to have our friends and family round to enjoy some summer BBQ’s.


We’ve managed to get lots done in the house too, so we can enjoy those not so sunny days too!


I hope you enjoy these chatty photo diary style posts, the most recent ones have certainly been a little different – but hopefully they have brought some sunshine and inspiration to your day…
