The Season of Sparkle Begins

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Ahhh it’s here! Happy 1st December guys! The festive season is officially upon us. I’ve had such a gorgeous, Christmassy week this week, and I certainly feel ready for the month ahead…

I kicked things off with a visit to Anita Massarella – where my wedding dress is going to be designed and created. We officially started the process, with around a year to go – after putting together some initial designs earlier in the year. It’s always such a special, magical experience visiting her boutique, so it was a really lovely way to kick off the season.

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The tree also went up this week – I’ve been itching to do it for like a month now! Putting the tree up is always a special thing for me – as it probably is for most of you – and I really love collecting lots of beautiful ornaments to decorate it with.



On Friday evening, we had our nephews round for our annual festive sleepover. This consisted of party food, hot chocolates, lots of sweets, gingerbread and chocolate, and Christmas films. The next day we went off to Stockheld park for a wander around the enchanted forest, a visit to see Santa, and then ended up getting completely lost in the maze there. Such a brilliant day, and well worth a visit if you have children in your life.




After all the fun we were literally exhausted, so it was back home for feet up on the sofa and dog cuddles. I also practiced my cocktail making skills all ready for Christmas Eve, by having a run through of a lemon cheesecake martini recipe I found. You mix together 50ml of Lemon Gin Cream Liqueur, 25ml of Limoncello, and 50ml of cream, then strain it into a martini glass – it’s incredible!




I hope your first weekend of Christmas has been a good one guys, I’ll leave you with a picture of my little Christmas Elf to enjoy…
