Pumpkin Spice, Sample Sales, Sushi and Scented Candles

Ooh the weather is turning guys, and it’s getting me all cosy and excited. I always see Autumn as that kind of “fresh start” period – which I think comes from the back to school in September and new uniform and stationery thing when I was younger. Does anyone else get that? Either way, I love it!

The month started with a road trip to Alderly Edge with my friend, for a White Company Sample sale. We weren’t really sure what to expect from it, or if the trip would even be worth it, but it was – I managed to pick up two cashmere jumpers, and a dressing gown for £90 – the jumpers alone should have been £150 each, so I was very pleased. We also had lunch whilst we were there (Sushi), and obviously stopped off for a Starbucks too. It was such a lovely day out, cocktails, sushi, shopping and starbucks; and the perfect way to kick off the month.

Autumn nutcase is in full swing – much to my boyfriends delight – that includes filling the home with fragrance, and I’m slightly obsessed with the Warm Autumn Evening Yankee Candle at the moment… oh and my gold Homesense pumpkin has been resurrected from the cupboard again – that went down well, as you can imagine!

Bake Off has returned, and with it my obsession for baking… it was biscuit week a couple of weeks ago, and it inspired me to make these home made custard creams. I don’t make them too often, but when I do, they go down so well. They really do taste like custard creams – but like, ten times better. I used the Tanya Bakes recipe, and making them was almost just as fun as eating them.

I’m also really into making Sunday dinners at the moment – again, I think the weather turning puts me in this mood – and I love nothing more than cooking for other people… even though it does get a bit stressful at the end trying to get it all out warm at the same time! Anyway, I invited my family around last weekend, and cooked up a huge feast.


Whilst we’re on the topic of food (as usual…) I thought I’d mention the new Dairy Milk Winter Gingerbread bar. I’ve been a bit obsessed with it since I discovered it, so much so, I stocked up and bought five bars (oh dear) – luckily I’ve managed to be reserved-ish, and three are still sitting in the fridge… although I’m not too sure how long that will last.


And of course, with September, came the return of the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Frappucino – another thing I’m completely obsessed with and look forward to every year. I’m surprised I’ve not yet turned orange.. but yeah, I’ve drank a good fair few!!!


I hope everyone still likes these little chatty updates – I certainly enjoy writing them, and find it’s a lovely way to just document any fun experiences I’ve had. Do let me know!
