1. Making a cup of tea for the sole purpose of dunking biscuits into it, with absolutely no tea drinking action involved, is completely acceptable.
2. Don’t ever feel guilty about cutting people out of your life who have a negative influence. You are the most important person, and you have to take care of yourself.
3. Fad diets will. Not. Ever. Work. Trust me, I’ve wasted enough time trying them. They will just make you miserable, and more than likely result in you putting more weight on in the long run. Companies that promote / sell such things make their money (your money) from your failure and insecurity.
4. Dogs were put on this earth to bring happiness and joy to us. They have such lovely souls and the biggest hearts. Treat them as such.
5. You are allowed to be intelligent and like makeup / fashion / Keeping up with the Kardashians too, you know. Don’t let anyone ever tell you different. Being intelligent and having interests and a personality is really quite cool.
6. Travel is by far the best thing you can ever invest your time and money in. A few years ago I had started saving up for a mortgage, I’d made quite good progression with those savings. I then decided to spend that money on travelling to Australia and Hong Kong instead. It was scary, but it was also the best thing I ever did. I could have sat in my house looking at four walls and not being able to afford to do much else, or I could have gone out into the world and made the most amazing memories that will be with me forever, gained a totally new outlook on life and had some pretty cool stories to tell too. I have zero regrets.
7. You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone. Don’t want to accept an invite somewhere? Dont, and don’t feel like you have to explain that decision. Spend your time doing things that make you happy.
8. Kind people never finish last.
9. Other women are not the enemy (perhaps one for my younger self), support, look after, uplift and encourage each other and it will return back to you tenfold.
10. And on that note… lifting someone else up, won’t ever put you further down – chances are it will make you feel pretty damn good about yourself too.
11. Buying scented candles and pretty stationary and then never using them for fear of ruining them is actually quite normal amongst us girls (I am forever doing this).
12. Going in for just one teaspoon of Nutella, then accidentally consuming half the jar in the space of five minutes is also normal. It’s also pretty bloody good.
13. Wealth is not a sign of how hard you work. If you earn a good wage because you work hard, good for you. But there are some people that don’t. The carers that looked after my Grandma in her final weeks when she had dementia are some of the hardest working people I’ve ever met in my life, I quite literally don’t know how they did it. Money most certainly doesn’t determine your value.
14. Having a political opinion when you’re not a politician (yes I’m digging at those “everyone is a politician all of a sudden” memes) is absolutely fine – there is nothing wrong with caring about and taking an interest in your future. Just don’t put down or begrudge others for having a different opinion to you.
15. Guacamole is the greatest invention in the world.
16. Dumbing yourself down to make a boy laugh / notice you is one of the silliest things you can ever do. Please never do this. No one else in the world is like you, you are 100% unique. Stay true to your own wonderful, true personality. That is what will get you noticed.
17. Mums know everything, you should probably listen to them. But you probably won’t, and you probably won’t realise this for at least 25 years or so. When you do realise, it’s also okay not to admit it… don’t worry, she knows anyway!
18. Spending £60 on liquid lipsticks will not automatically turn you into Kylie Jenner. Don’t get me wrong, they’re great – but do be aware that the models advertising these almost always have lip fillers.
19. Social media is a highlight reel, always take it with a pinch of salt. I’ll quite happily share my new designer handbag I’ve treat myself to, but I won’t talk about all the nights out I’ve turned down and sacrificed so that I can buy the bag.
20. Success should only ever be determined by how happy you are. Forget materialistic items, forget how high up the career ladder you got, if you’re happy – you’re successful.