- Your boy drama days are over. Single or taken, by now you will probably have been through enough disastrous relationships and experiences to know exactly what you want, and exactly what you won’t put up with anymore. Every relationship drama you did experience will have shaped you, so that when you do finally meet that special person you won’t have settled for anything but perfect. And if you’re in your 20’s and going through this right now, just relax, it’s all part of the process, I promise.
2. Your fashion and beauty choices will have evolved for the better. You’ll have made your horrendous mistakes (lines for eyebrows, anyone?); you’ll have experimented, had lots of fun in the process, but by now will know what works for you and what suits you… and will probably be looking the best you ever have.
3. You’ll have grown up. I went through my gobby loudmouth idiot stage (I kind of want to punch that old version of me); I went through my spoilt bratty stage; I went through my bitchy, gossipy stage (happens to all young girls, and is more than likely happening because these people are not happy in themselves – I wasn’t); and I went through my major attitude problem stage – and gosh, if it wasn’t for some of my old managers seeing something in me that at the time was probably very difficult to see, I’m not sure I’d be where I am today. But I went through all of that and grew as a person, and now, I’d like to think those phases helped me learn and become a much better, much more balanced person. These things happen, and as long as you come through them and take something from them – you’ll grow into a much better version of you.
4. You’ll have a really solid circle of friends. By now you’ll have weeded out the crap, you’ll know what you’re willing to put up with, what you bring to the table as a friend, and exactly the kind of people you want around you. There will be lots of failed friendships – it happens to everyone, and it’s fine, it’s all part of growing up – some people come into your life for a season, and some people come into your life for a lifetime. But by going through this, and learning from those failures; friendship dramas will eventually be a thing of the past, and you will come out of the other end with one seriously wonderful group of people around you.
5. You’ll probably now have more of an idea of what you want, and where you’re going career wise. Even if you’re not there yet, you’ll more than likely have had enough disasters and experiences to know what you enjoy, and what you’re good at; and where you are heading, or want to be heading.
6. You’ll appreciate your parents so much more. When I was in my early 20’s, my Mum was just this irritating, overly cautious person who just didn’t have a clue about real life nowadays (sorry Mum if you’re reading). Then I grew up and realised, actually she did – and the advice they give you, it’s going to be the best advice you ever get, because they are the people that care for you more than anyone else on this planet. However, you still won’t listen to this at the time, and again, that’s fine – all part of growing up. But when you do come to that realisation, it’s actually a really nice, and quite amusing place to be.
7. Your finances should be a little more stable. By this, I don’t mean that at 30 you should be on your way to making your millions; what I mean, is that you’ll know how to manage your money much better. When I was 20, and I went on my first ever girls holiday, I used up almost the entirety of my spending money on the first night, and had to live on KFC mashed potatoes for two weeks (it’s a thing in Cyprus, and it’s actually incredible). I used to get paid £30 a week, every Saturday, and by Sunday morning – the lot would be gone. These days… I’m a little (just a little) more responsible than that.
8. You don’t have anything to prove. Once you get to a certain age, you just stop caring about what other people think of you. You’re much wiser, you lose interest in silly dramas, and other peoples silly dramas, and kind of just get to this nice place of having inner peace. But to get there, you do have to experience that rollercoaster period before – remember that it’s all happening to shape you, so try and just jump on, and enjoy the ride.