13th October 2017

How to Have a Miracle Morning

The miracle morning concept is all about steps you can take and incorporate into your everyday routine to set you up for a really great day. Obviously, you may not have time every single morning, to do every single step listed; but there are some great ideas to help you start the day right. It’s totally customisable, I’ve created my own steps and use the word miracle to help me remember them – but if you want to customise it up with what works for you, or even create your own – you can do! It’s just a really helpful way to support with getting you into the right mindset, and having the best day possible.

M – Make the bed

I – Inspiration

R – Routine

A – Aspirations

C – Calm

L – List

E – Exercise

Make the bed – I never used to do this, ever. Then one day, for some unknown reason, and much to the surprise of my boyfriend, I started doing it – and the difference it made to my mindset was incredible. I’ve no idea why doing this makes such a difference to my mindset, perhaps the saying “a tidy house, a tidy mind” has some relevance here; or perhaps it just makes my surroundings and therefore my mind feel more put together… whatever the reason, it’s one of the most important steps for me in my miracle morning routine; and a very simple, quick one to tick off.

Inspiration – This one revolves around the concept of visualising your goals and dreams;  and the belief that if you envisage these every day, you will begin to subconsciously take steps in your day to day life to help you get there. I like to do this through the use of a vision board – some people like to have one they’ve created by cutting and sticking images up on their wall; I have mine on a private Pinterest board. Whichever way you want to do it, it’s good to take a quick look at it everyday – if you believe in something enough, you will eventually get there. Some ideas to put on your own vision board could be; inspirational / motivating quotes; a picture of something you’re wishing for (that new car, a new home) – sometimes I might even put a handbag I’d like to save up for on there, but keep it realistic, life’s not all about material items, and I’m not sure putting 5 Lamborghinis on there would work; if there’s a particular career you’re working towards or would like to get into, a picture of someone you look up to who’s already in that profession may be good. The list is endless, but it’s a really good way to motivate yourself and remind you what you’re aiming for.

Routine – This can be as simple as you need it to be, but I find that ensuring I stick to a routine in the morning, every morning helps my day run much better, and also alleviates any of that early morning rushing around stress. This does however completely go out of the window on a weekend though… let’s be realistic here.

Aspirations  Think of at least one thing you want to achieve today and make sure you take the steps to tackle it. By this, I don’t mean “Today I want to become a millionaire”; but it could be something like answering that difficult email you’ve been putting off; finally getting your car cleaned; getting home on time to sit and eat a meal with your children – whatever works for you.

Calm – Meditation is such a wonderful way to start your day, if you have the time to do it. It’s great to do it at any time of the day, but starting the day with a calm mind is super productive. The Calm and Headspace apps are really helpful to guide you through doing this, I’ve spoken in more detail about them here.

List – Listing three things you are grateful for, is a brilliant way to start your day off with a really positive mindset. You can list them mentally, or write them down; but if you write them down, you’ll have some lovely thoughts to look back on when you’re not feeling so positive. You may struggle at first, to think of three every single day… but if you really put some thought into it, you’ll see that there are so, so many things to be grateful for. It could be that you got to eat lunch with your favourite friend at work today; woke up early enough to see a beautiful sunrise; or even just the fact that you have a warm bed to sleep in tonight.

Exercise – Okay guys, I definitely don’t start off every day with this… but it is a good one to add in when I can. There’s a 6am spin class that I try and get to at my local gym every Friday morning; and I know that I always feel extremely energised and motivated on a Friday when I’ve been to it. Again, this is one that’s great at anytime – but getting it out of the way (when you can do) on a morning, does really help with energy levels and supporting that positive mindset.


2 comments so far.

2 responses to “How to Have a Miracle Morning”

  1. Hannah says:

    I haven’t heard of this before, but it seems really helpful! I need to bookmark this to look back on, as I really need to start doing all of these. Thank you for sharing xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

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