6th May 2015

Smashed Avocado & Feta on Rye 


Want a totally tasty but healthy breakfast recipe that’s packed full of good fats, potassium, fibre, protein, vitamin A and calcium? Then read on…

This is my absolute favourite breakfast dish and it’s so easy to make (after I did a little playing around in the kitchen)…  it’s also really good for you. In addition to the benefits detailed above, this meal will work wonders for the skin, it’s a healthy alternative to the usual fatty breakfasts and it’s extremely filling; so will keep you going right up until dinner time.


Rye bread loaf

80g feta cheese

1 whole avocado

Crushed chilli flakes

1tsp walnut oil 


Start off by slicing the rye bread into generous sized portions, don’t worry too much if you’re trying to watch what you eat – rye bread is wheat free and full of fibre. It also has a low glycemic index, meaning it doesn’t cause your blood sugar to spike like white bread does. Once sliced, lightly toast the bread on both sides.

Whilst your bread is toasting, slice and pit your avocado ready for mashing. I prefer to mash mine by hand, simply using a potato masher; however blending it up in a food processor would also work.

Once the avocado is mashed to your desired consistency, add 1 tsp of walnut oil and a handful of crushed chillies. Add the chillies at your discretion, there’s no right or wrong way with this recipe – that’s the beauty of it. Give the combined ingredients a good mix.

Apply a generous amount to one side of the rye bread slices and crumble your feta on the top, again add this to your discretion; although the health conscious amongst us may want to go a little easier, as feta contains high amounts of sodium.

Once you’ve topped the avocado with the cheese, simply put everything back under the grill for a minute or so – until the feta has turned a very subtle and very pale brown colour on top.

Serve up straight away and enjoy a delicious, healthy and nutrient packed start to your day. Do feel free to let me know what you thought, if you decide give this breakfast a go.


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5 comments so far.

5 responses to “Smashed Avocado & Feta on Rye ”

  1. This looks all kinds of awesome, I love all of those things and now I’ll definitely put them together. Thank you!

  2. Hannah says:

    Sounds so yummy! I am an avacado addict!

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  4. Danika Maia says:

    Yum!! I had something very similar to this at a great brunch place a few weeks ago and it also had salmon, a poached egg, and some lemon drizzle. Amazing!

    Danika Maia

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